- The client must provide a valid token bound to a single Chiavistello property
- The owner will provide the token to the integrator and can invalidate it at any time
- You can use our integrations with other services
- Your API Key (token) is available in your control panel in the "Notification" section
Legacy APIs
TLS: Only HTTPS with TLS (plain HTTP not allowed) Charset: UTF-8
Data type: JSON
- Raw POST of JSON (
curl -d @request.json
) - POST with www-form-encoded (as for a web-form submit) posting JSON in variable named "data" (
curl -F data='{"token":"secret", "action":"switchList"}'
) - POST JSON file as web-form file upload (
curl -F data=@request.json
- token secret
- action requestType
info Device information
{ "token": "secret", "action": "info" }Copy to tester
{ "device": { "serial": "00000000712b0b7d", "name": "Appartamento Chiavistello", "online": 1 } }
switchList List device switches
{ "token": "secret", "action": "switchList" }Copy to tester
{ "switchList": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Portone condominiale|Main door" },{ "id": 2, "name": "Porta appartamento|Apartment door" },{ "id": 3, "name": "Camera Rossa|Red room" },{ "id": 4, "name": "Camera Blu|Blue room" } ] }
partitionList List device partitions
{ "token": "secret", "action": "partitionList" }Copy to tester
Response if partitioned
{ "partitionList": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Camera Rossa", "switches": [ 1, 2, 3 ] },{ "id": 2, "name": "Camera Blu", "switches": [ 1, 2, 4 ] } ] }
Response if not partitioned
{ "partitionList": [ { "id": 0, "name": "Unpartitioned" } ] }
bookingList List bookings
{ "token": "secret", "action": "bookingList", "all": 1, "page": 0 }Copy to tester all: (Optional) If set to 1 lists all bookings, else only those with checkOut after now()
perPage: (Optional) Items to return per request (max 50)
page: (Optional) Page number (starting from 0)
{ "bookingList": [ { "id": 14223, "partition": 1, "name": "Alessandro Volta", "phone": "+393351112222", "email": "", "checkIn": "2018-10-25 18:30:00", "checkOut": "2018-10-27 10:30:00", "status": 0, "openToken": "4434ddes345afhdf446342deabd323ddc", "pin": "12345", "notify": 1, "price": 40, "pricePaid": 0, "documentRequest": 1, "documentComplete": 1, "externalReference": "443223DFRE" } ],[ ... ], "matches": 4, "nextPage": 1 }bookingList: Array of associative arrays with bookings (see bookingSet for details) with 50 elements per recordset
matches: Total number of results matching the request
nextPage: Next page to request (if not present this was the last page)
bookingGet Get single booking
Request by id
{ "token": "secret", "action": "bookingGet", "id": 14223 }Copy to tester
Request by externalReference
{ "token": "secret", "action": "bookingGet", "externalReference": "443223DFRE" }Copy to tester
{ "booking": { "id": 14223, "partition": 1, "name": "Alessandro Volta", "phone": "+393351112222", "email": "", "checkIn": "2018-10-25 18:30:00", "checkOut": "2018-10-28 11:30:00", "status": 0, "openToken": "4434ddes345afhdf446342deabd323ddc", "pin": "12345", "notify": 1, "price": 40, "pricePaid": 0, "documentRequest": 1, "documentComplete": 1, "externalReference": "443223DFRE" } }
bookingSet Insert/Update booking
Request only mandatory data for insertion
{ "token": "secret", "action": "bookingSet", "partition": 1, "name": "Alessandro Volta", "checkIn": "2018-10-25 18:30:00", "checkOut": "2018-10-28 11:30:00" }Copy to tester
Request update
{ "token": "secret", "action": "bookingSet", "id": 14223, "partition": 1, "name": "Alessandro Volta", "phone": "+393351112222", "email": "", "checkIn": "2018-10-25 18:30:00", "checkOut": "2018-10-28 11:30:00", "status": 0, "pin": "12345", "notify": 1, "price": 40, "pricePaid": 0, "documentRequest": 1, "externalReference": "443223DFRE" }Copy to tester
Response always with full data
{ "booking": { "id": 14223, "partition": 1, "name": "Alessandro Volta", "phone": "+393351112222", "email": "", "checkIn": "2018-10-25 18:30:00", "checkOut": "2018-10-28 11:30:00", "status": 0, "openToken": "4434ddes345afhdf446342deabd323ddc", "pin": "12345", "notify": 1, "price": 40, "pricePaid": 0, "documentRequest": 1, "externalReference": "443223DFRE" } }
If present id field the request will be an update else will be an insertion of a new booking.The record will be updated only with the fields provided: missing fields will remain unchanged.
id: If 0 (or missing) insertion, else update existing
partition: Partition id (mandatory if partitioned)
name: Visible name of booking (mandatory)
phone: Guest's phone number (international format, +xxyyyyyyyy)
name: Guest's E-Mail address
checkIn: Check-in date and time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) (mandatory)
checkOut: Check-out date and time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) (mandatory)
openToken: Read-only (generated by system on booking creation) URL will be
status: 0=Active 1=opening inhibit 2=disabled (defaults to 0)
pin: Numeric PIN (0=PIN not required, defaults to random generated)
notify: Notification: 0=no 1=yes 2=only first access 3=first access done (defaults to 1)
price: Payment request
pricePaid: Amount paid of payment request
documentRequest: Guest document form (number of guests, 0=no, defaults to 0)
documentComplete: Read-only flag present if document form is complete for all guests
externalReference: Foreign key reference (for external sync, max 80 chars), reported only if present
ownerBooking: Read-only flag reported with value '1' only if true that indicates the booking is for owners
bookingDelete Delete booking
{ "token": "secret", "action": "bookingDelete", "id": 14223 }Copy to tester
{ "deleted": 14223 }
guestList List of bookings guests
{ "token": "secret", "action": "guestList", "page": 0 }Copy to tester page: (Optional) Page number (starting from 0)
{ "guestList": [ { "id": 14223, "partition": 1, "name": "Alessandro Volta", "phone": "+393351112222", "email": "", "checkIn": "2018-10-25 18:30:00", "checkOut": "2018-10-27 10:30:00", "documentRequest": 2, "documentComplete": 1, "externalReference": "443223DFRE", "guests": { "1": { "fname": "Alessandro", "lname": "Volta", "sex": "M", "bornd": "18/02/1745", "borns": "Italia", "bornp": "Como CO", "nat": "Italia", "doct": "CID", "docn": "112321", "docp": "Como CO", "ress": "Italia", "resp": "Como CO", "pic": [ "path/pic1.jpg", "path/pic2.jpg" ] }, "2": { "fname": "Luigi", "lname": "Galvani", "sex": "M", "bornd": "09/09/1737", "borns": "Italia", "bornp": "Bologna BO", "nat": "Italia", "ress": "Italia", "resp": "Bologna BO", "pic": [ "path/pic1.jpg", "path/pic2.jpg" ] } }, "complete": true, "updated": "2018-10-25 13:15:24" } ],[ ... ], "matches": 4, "nextPage": 1 }guestList: Array of associative arrays with guests list
matches: Number of results matching the request
nextPage: Next page to request (if not present this was the last page)
paymentList List payments requests/confirmations
{ "token": "secret", "action": "paymentList", "all": 1, "page": 0 }Copy to tester all: (Optional) if set to 1 lists all payment requests, else only those with created or paid newer than 3 days
page: (Optional) Page number (starting from 0)
{ "paymentList": [ { "id": 3284, "created": "2019-12-22 13:59:07", "amount": 95.00, "purpose": "Extra night", "token": "ffd45de32sa1f4", "externalReference": "fdfj309fk330dd", "paid": "2019-12-22 14:22:12", "channel": "paypal", "response": { ... [payment gateway response data] ... } } ],[ ... ], "matches": 2, "nextPage": 1 }paymentList: Array of associative arrays with payment requests (see paymentSet for details) with 50 elements per recordset
matches: Number of results matching the request
nextPage: Next page to request (if not present this was the last page)
paymentGet Get single payment request/confirmation
{ "token": "secret", "action": "paymentGet", "id": 3284 }Copy to tester
{ "payment": { "id": 3284, "created": "2019-12-22 13:59:07", "amount": 95.00, "purpose": "Extra night", "token": "ffd45de32sa1f4", "externalReference": "MTE334A", "lang": "en", "paid": "2019-12-22 14:22:12", "channel": "paypal", "response": { ... [payment gateway response data] ... } } }
paymentSet Set payments requests/confirmations
{ "token": "secret", "action": "paymentSet", "amount": 95.00, "purpose": "Extra night", "externalReference": "MTE334A", "lang": "en" }Copy to tester
{ "payment": { "id": 3284, "created": "2019-12-22 13:59:07", "amount": 95.00, "purpose": "Extra night", "token": "ffd45de32sa1f4", "externalReference": "MTE334A", "lang": "en" } }
If present id field the request will be an update else will be an insertion of a new payment request.The record will be updated only with the fields provided: missing fields will remain unchanged.
Paid requests cannot be modified (but can be deleted).
id: If 0 (or missing) insertion, else update existing
amount: Amount in Euro
purpose: Purpose of payment, visible to user
token: Read-only (generated by system on creation) URL will be
externalReference: Foreign key reference (for external sync, max 80 chars), reported only if present
lang: Optional language code (reported only if present), if missing it defaults to user's browser settings: used for VReception totem systems
paymentDelete Delete payment request/confirmation
{ "token": "secret", "action": "paymentDelete" "id": 3284 }Copy to tester
{ "deleted": 3284 }